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A New Release of our FLOW On-the-Lot Services Software is Here!

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The latest version of our Flow, on-the-lot services mobile app (v.1.3.11) arrived yesterday! 🚀 This latest release is chock-full of new features for field service personnel to leverage. Bounce to our public release notes web page to see the details about this new version.

This new release includes support for the latest version of the Android OS (14), but say b'bye to the oldest OS versions like Android 8 and 9 which we now no longer support. And if you're a user and tenant of our FLOW app, be advised that our product road map calls for us to support only three active versions of the OS at a time in the future. The product team will be reducing the supported versions for this reason in 2024 - 2025. This is simply a common SaaS practice we're implementing for this product.

Want to learn more about how your business can benefit by using Flow on-the-lot service software for route management and business process automation? Click here to learn more about Flow today!